“On the Verge of the Next Healthcare Revolution”
Nathalie Brandenberg and Sylke Hoehnel
Co-CEO & Founders, SUN bioscience
Thursday November 3rd 2022 | 5:30 pm | Forum Rolex
In English
Nathalie Brandenberg and Sylke Hoehnel co-founded SUN bioscience in 2016. SUN bioscience offers a 3D microwell platform based on patient-specific organoids. Organoids are self-organizing 3D miniature tissues with organ-mimicking functions that are grown from stem cells. The challenge? Allowing patients suffering from various diseases to identify the treatments that are best suited to them – a revolution in personalized medicine. Nathalie Brandenberg and Sylke Hoehnel both graduated from EPFL’s School of Life Sciences. They are the co-CEOs of the company.
5:30 pm
Allocution de bienvenue Leïla Ojjeh, EPFL Alumni Director
5:35 pm
Prof. Gisou van der Goot, Vice President for Responsible Transformation and Head of Laboratory of Cell and Membrane Biology
5:40 pm
Campus Lecture
“On the Verge of the Next Healthcare Revolution”
Nathalie Brandenberg, co-CEO & Founder, SUN bioscience
SV’11, PhD SV’17
Sylke Hoehnel, co-CEO & Founder, SUN bioscience
PhD SV’15
6:15 pm
6:30 pm