Frank Wilczek

Conversation with Frank Wilczek

Physicist (Nobel Prize of Physics, 2004)

Tuesday, November 16th 2021 | 5:15 pm | Online
In english

A glance towards the night sky is enough to be seized by the immensity of the universe. These infinities of time, space, matter and energy are beyond comprehension, but are nevertheless governed by only a few rules and not much more by constituent elements. These are the same ones that we find at the heart of the living or the infinitely small. Nature is thus organized around fundamental principles, and it is to their joyful discovery that Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize of physics, invites us.

Welcoming words
Jean-Philippe Ansermet, Professor of Physics of Nanostructured Materials

Campus Lecture
Frank Wilczek, Physicist (Nobel Prize of Physics, 2004)

Closing remarks by Jean-Philippe Ansermet, Professor of Physics of Nanostructured Materials

6:40 pm
End of the event